Sunday 8 December 2019


John passed away this week after a prolonged struggle with the evil that is dementia.

At his peak in the  sixties he was a fine fast bowler who bustled in, legs and arms pumping to give it his all. He was the first Shipley bowler to record a 10 wicket haul, that against our keen rivals , Belper Meadows. After I took over the captaincy of the 1st XI in 62' John was always the first to be handed the ball and you would know he would be giving 101% each and every ball. He was an absolute joy for a captain. I well recall a match against British Rail in 65 when he had quickly dismissed the first 5. But there was a problem. for his lovely wife Merrill was in Derby Hospital giving birth to a son. John had promised to be at her bedside for the birth expected around 4 o'clock. and he had  been cajoled to play on the understanding that he would be able to leave at any time. 3.30 came around with his 5th wicket in the bag and it left me begging him to bowl one more, one more and again one more. That was it, and having added one more wicket to his tally he drove  the short distance to the hospital ,arriving just 20 minutes before Steve appeared on the scene. Shame really-he could have bowled 2 more----- but at least we won the game !!

As his legs started to trouble him in the early 70's he dropped into the 2nds and morphed into an opening bat  who used his strength to bludgeon the ball away to all corners. Not the prettiest or aesthetically pleasing but none the less effective. He was also a popular captain of the two's'

When he stopped playing cricket he would make frequent journey's to watch sons Steve and Rob in action and also his grandson Michael.  We had many a chat about days of yore. It was such a tragic shame that dementia slowly crept up on him but he bore this with as much good grace as he could summon up.

 His soccer prowess extended from being a bustling centre forward to a centre back through which not many passed. You can imagine a dainty right winger dribbling towards John and being unceremoniously dumped !!

Shipley have lost a lovely man and grand servant for the club - I have lost a friend

Thursday 26 September 2019


This year we decided to add a Fun Day to our annual Junior Presentation event. The idea was to get parents and players, both senior and junior,  together. Very noble- but  we forgot to tell the weather gods and rain showers persisted throughout the day, although at least no thunderbolts were hrown

It made very little difference to the youngsters who simply wanted to burn off their energy  but it deterred the mums and dads and, disappointingly, the senior players. However we went ahead as best we could.
A tug of war got the youngsters attention

Ollie & Arthur tug away
At the other end

and left most dragging along the ever dampening grass. Timo's team just about won.

Whilst this was going on the penalty shoot out attracted budding Harry Kane's with the target of beating the large framed Bob ( He's just a big kid really ) who amply filled the small sized goal.  Edward Cokayne won the golden goal knock out

Bowling at a Single stump proved a big draw and the "flat" wicket proved to be the downfall of most.                        

Alison MISS
Christine SO CLOSE


Matthew NEAR

                                                          Simon SLITHERED PAST
The finalists were both from the Under 11's
The races were divided by age group

The Under 13's were out in force

Not to forget the ladies

But this was the classic shot of the day

Matt Bar B king

Neil , Amy, Jo
Chief of Staff
Timo kept the kids in order

Whilst your's truly watched on

AND Not to forget the man behind the lens RYAN BLAKE



Sunday 18 August 2019

Shipley Hall by Alan Reavill

I am indebted to Alan for the below

                               SHIPLEY HALL

   The scent of freshly mown grass ..
   The warmth of the early summer sun …
    Birdsong ; a gentle breeze -  The scene is set ....I am relaxed : 
    This rural idyll unlikely to be outdone.

    The velvety sward before me a verdant green...
      Could anyone wish a more perfect rural scene ?
      Derbyshire at its beautiful best : 
    Paradise at my behest 
      Could anyone wish for more reason ?

    Ah, Yes ... The first day of the cricket season !
     The pavilion retains its familiar format, though larger now …
     Resplendent with added wings, balconies .... 
     And, a separate scoreboard building.....Whow !
     But the changes are in keeping with the remembered scene...
     Changes which I could not have foreseen ....

    It's more than fifty years ... But no need to rush  ....
     I wonder what happened to the old 'Bull and Bush' ?
    The fielding side. - it's Shipley  Hall I see - take the field …
     The sun so bright  my eyes I must shield..

    I look for those I recall : Names and faces from that happy past
     Baker, Bottomley, Priestley, Grainger, Sumner, Hunter, 
     Waltham, Young ....  and  Cokayne ....he really was fast.
      And, Mellors  the 'keeper - 'Butch' of that ilk -but unrelated to he of      Chatterley fame.

    'Though the Hall was the setting of Lawrence's novel all the same.
       I feel foolish as I remember  - it's all so many years ago .....
     Though a Cokayne , third generation, now plays it seems.
      I close my eyes .... drift into nostalgic mode ....

   Games and  events from those early years ...All those teams....
     Fifty years ?  All those matches.... All those dreams.
     The Hall has gone though the grounds remain ..
      But the cricket field is still my memory's domain.


Friday 9 August 2019

Sign of the Times

I have written previously about the Shipley Logo which is now displayed on the new board at the side of the pavilion                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
The original wooden board was constructed by Steve O'Keefe in whose memory the new board is dedicted.
I am indebted to Karen Smith for a different take on the original board which made me chuckle. No doubt Steve would have seen the funny side too.

Sunday 21 July 2019

The Old and Bold

The club President DANNY SMITH made his annual pilgrimage to the club on 20th July during our 1st XI fixture v Tutbury. You may think this run of the mill except that Danny is 103 years old and has been visiting non stop for over 10 years !! He is still hale and hearty and although somewhat unsteady at times he soon cottoned on to his surroundings.

He was joined by his old buddy JIM SUMNER ,no spring chicken himself , weighing in at 90. Again perhaps not remarkable in this day and age except that Jim has just published a paperback book of his Collected poems. A lovely edition, beautifully illustrated by Viv ( Jim's wife). We hope to advertise this book shortly and funds will go to their local church.

I feel a youngster at 86  but the 3 of the oldies have nearly reached 300. Thanks to Carole for the bites.

Whilst our current players may not see the visit of two grandees with much regard it is important to recognise that members of that ilk played a vital part in the history of the club- a history which current players should now carry on and cherish

Sunday 2 June 2019

Bus Tickets

During my playing career ( so long ago now) I was often accused of getting wickets with bus tickets. An odd cricket expression but generally used to mean that you bowl a rubbish ball and get  a wicket.

My most clear memory of this occurred in a match against British Rail ,Derby played at Shipley. Their No.4 was one Percy Bown who was a good striker of the ball and who went on to become an outstanding coach . However in this game I bowled him a rank long hop , his eyes lit up and the ball was whacked to deep mid wicket but unfortunately in the air. Fielding there was John Cox ( one of only 2 on the leg side) and he gleefully pouched the catch. Percy just could not believe it and stood at the crease staring in disbelief . He always had a ruddy complexion and by the second he got redder and redder before trudging off mouthing all sorts of complimentary words about my bowling. Reaching the dressing room he collected his gear, got in his car and stormed off, wheels screeching,  with his pads still on.

 I got over 900  tickets during my bowling stints so my apologies to all those Percy's !!

However the main stream of this tale concerns the  tickets collected by Simon Lacey and his support for Derby County FC who after an up and down 2018/9 season still managed to appear in the play off final for the Championship against A Villa with the magic of the Premier beckoning for the winner. Using the internet he found a site offering tickets to the final  and  booked 3 tickets ( himself , Joe and Arthur) which  arrived safely in the post. On match day they set off by car in a convey with other friends who he knew. They all arrived safely and made their way to the ground where Simon duly presented his tickets only to find that his web site tickets were for bus tickets to the game and not for the match itself.

 I cannot imagine the sheer disbelief as they too trudged off !!. Apparently the web site he used had two tickable boxes -one for coach tickets- one for match tickets.

I shall always think of Simon and Percy when bus tickets are mentioned in the future !!

Thursday 23 May 2019

The Wolf Rises again

We managed to get a brand new sign board made and erected at the side of the building. Metal alloy and treated to withstand the elements

It shows our logo and motto but what is the strange looking creature?

Is it a GRIFFIN ?
Or perhaps a GRYPHONN

No IT IS A WOLF breathing ( or even vomiting) fire and is taken from the original Miller Mundy crest. Described by one member as an ugly bastard -perhaps so- but its our ugly bastard

The new sign was donated and was designed with the help of David Shaw. It also serves in memory of Steve O'Keefe who designed and erected the original board but sadly passed away a few years ago.