Sunday 4 August 2024

2024 - The125th YEAR

The club reached it's 125th year in 2024 and formed a small committee to consider how this achievement might be celebrated. Their ideas resulted in 3 distinct actions, a. A programme of events over a period of a fortnight from 14th to 28th July. b. The pubication of an Anniversary Book. c The production of a Anniversary Polo shirt. It was difficUlt to ascertain the strength of feeling within the club for the celebrations. Whether in this day and age such matters were important to members was perhaps debatable and the actual implementation was clearly going to fall on the shoulders of a limited number of volunteers. However a programme was agreed and published
The Anniversary Book was one for me to write and Andy Finlay to produce. It did not prove to be easy but eventuaLly production was completed
Steve Cokayne took on the task of polo production and the result was
The experience and input of Andy Finlay proved vital in many areas of the event planning and the whole was overseen by Steve Cokayne who needed considerable patience and perseverance.I will descibe the event in more detail in a subsequent post. The workload did fall on "the few" and their efforts were rewarded.

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